I think many of us struggle with the belief that we are not good enough. Our society and our brains themselves often guide us towards making comparisons between ourselves and others or even between our actual selves and some idealized version of ourselves. More times than not, these comparisons result in one of two things. We either find ourselves to be less than or better than in some way, and neither of these results tends to be productive for us. Our sense of value and worth may get tied up in external validation and in the belief that we have to do certain things or have certain things in order to be enough.
I heard someone say recently, “We are human beings, not human doings.” I think it’s important to remember this idea and to know that we are each so much more than a list of things we do or a list of accomplishments. We are more than a degree, more than a job, more than a hobby, and more than any single one of the roles we take on in our lives.
I believe in positive affirmations and being intentional in what we surround ourselves with and what we say to ourselves. Because of this, I have my own bathroom mirror covered in phrases and quotes that are meaningful to me. One of my favorites says, “I’ve decided that I’m good enough.” I remind myself of this often and hope for you to do the same, knowing that no matter what we are doing, we are enough and have worth and value just because we are. Being alone is enough.
Give yourself some time this week to just be. Take a few deep breaths in and out, and know that you are enough!