One of the hardest forms of abuse to recognize is psychological abuse,often referred to as emotional abuse. Emotional abuse is most common in dating and married relationships, but it can occur in any relationship such as with friends, family members, and coworkers. It is a pattern of words or bullied behaviors, characterized by a person subjecting, frightening, controlling, belittling or berating another person. Emotional abuse can either be subtle and insidious or overt and manipulative. These patterns tend to wear down a person’s self-esteem, professional and personal confidence,and undermines their mental health to which a person begins to doubt their own perceptions and reality.There are many signs of emotional abuse, listed below is just several of the many:
- Derogatory pet names.
- Name calling.
- Patronizing.
- Submissiveness.
- Insults of your appearance.
- Pushing your buttons.
- Threats.
- Financial Control.
- Direct orders.
- Jealousy.
- Turning the tables.
- Using guilt.
- Blaming you for their problems.
- Denying their abuse.
- Accusing you of the abuse.
- Shutting down communication.
- Keeping you from socializing.
- Calling you needy.
- Trying to come between you and your family.
Often,when a person realizes they are in an emotionally abusive relationship they feel embarrassed, shameful, and unsure of their mental health.Many individuals decide to remain in the relationship because they doubt or fear their strengths/self-esteem due to the manipulation. For others if they leave, then all the years they spent in the relationship,will be years of their lives wasted. However, from those years spent in an emotionally abusive relationship, guess what? You get to decide what you want to take and throw away from that relationship. You get to decide to either keep the good memories, throw the bad memories away, or turn the years spent in the relationship into, lessons, warning signs, red flags, what you will no longer settle for moving forward, and BOUNDARIES.Which will you decide?